Suzanne J. Shephard

Attorney at Law

(916) 484-3929


Common Questions

Valuation Checklist

ABC News10

IMAGE: Better Business Bureau Accreditation Badge

Valuation Checklist

To begin your estate planning, you will need to identify the assets that you want to include in your plan. It is very helpful to have an estimated value of your personal property and real property for tax planning and discussion purposes during your first estate planning meeting. Please write the approximate fair market value next to each asset you own and bring this with you to your initial visit.

Grant Deads & Real Property


Rental properties

Vacation properties, time shares

Deeds of trust or mortgages to residence, vacation, and rental properties

Personal Property

Checking, savings, cash maximizer, money market accounts, certificates of deposit

Household furnishings and furniture


Personal collections (jewelry, art, stamp, gun, porcelain)

Promissory notes (that you owe or other people owe to you)

Life insurance policy face values (pay out amount)

Annuity contracts

Investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and limited partnerships

Pension plans, 401(K), 403(b), 457 Plans, IRAs

Royal, copyright, trust, and other income

Business interests such as partnerships, limited partnerships, family limited partnerships, closely-held corporations, or franchises

Miscellaneous assets